propCONDITIONS is a standards-based condition reporting widget that can be added to any website. When combined with our propMAPS interactive map on the same page, guests then get the most intuitive format for planning their day.
Just like propMAPS, we host the page and provide your website administrator with an embed code that can be added right into your content management system - no developer needed! That simple embed code pulls your report right into any web page to display a printer-friendly and mobile-friendly conditions report showing the status of trails and lifts, along with a daily written report with embedded images or even video.
We also provide an intuitive mobile-friendly control panel for your team to update the report. Updates push to the each app, plus any website widgets or services such as SnoCountry via feeds (XML, mtnXML, JSON).
Although we can customize the interface to your hearts content, included in the base price is basic customizations limited to typefaces and colors.
Ski Patrol Daily Audit
Ski Patrolers came to us and asked if we could replace their pen and paper process for daily trail audits. So we created the Ski Patrol Daily Audit. This enables ski patrol to collect all key data points as trails are opened and then swept closed at the end of the day. Reports are auto-generated three times a day and sent to an FTP folder, and also held remotely for redundancy.
Check out our other propAPPS: propMAPS | propDISPLAYS